sghr / スガハラ
sghr : 職人は皆、デザイナーである
Sghr’s glass ware counts to 4000 in variation, designed entirely by the company's factory craftsmen. What it seems like a daily routine of melting, blowing, cooling and polishing of the glass is in fact an ascetic practice for skill sharpening that leads to their ceaseless love in creation of a masterpiece. This attitude that they possess, reminds us what crafting ultimately originates to.

炎を絶やさぬ炉の前で /

Situated in a part of Chiba, Kuju-kuri, Sghr holds its factory as a glassware manufacturer that manages production from development throughout the sales. From day to night, a small team of craftsmen labors product in front of their iconic kiln that has never been put out for decades. In front of the fire that reaches above 1400℃, each responsible craftsmen team up to create their desired product in a calm, smooth manner. Needless to say, each production process requires immaculate teamwork, In “Soen”, this applies to the production of its iconic shape. The process “Molt blowing” has been adopted in order to create the waist of the glass. A blowing rod with “下玉”(hot glass bead) attached is inserted into a mold which is then blew once to form the product. Even with the mold present, the scaling of the finished product depends significantly on the strength of the blow, temperature and humidity, thus the production can only be carried out by a team of true artisans.
ひと素材で多様な表情を描く /

The employees vary in generation, and about one third are female staffs. Glass crafting tends to be a very tough work; thus, it is rare to have this proportion of female staffs in such a robust working environment. Some traditional craftsmen also situates themselves in the company, and thus there is a significant pride in their skill and that thoroughly reflects on the finished product. The openness stimulates the brand’s skill and the variety of expressions. Indigo, wine-red and other tinted glass were taken time in how to express the gradation at the bottom of the glass, and clear glass in creating a matte finish inside by sandblasting. After

重さもデザインの一部 /

“The weight of the product is part of its design. If the weight is unbalanced, you feel a discomfort as you hold the product. Therefore, having desired weight for users is an ultimate for a well-made glassware”. As one craftsman spoken, the phrase re-evoked the encouragement of being able to craft with the brand. In every exhibition that Sghr holds, there’s always laughter amongst customers and craftsmen. They also use their own product in a daily life, and share the scenes on Social media. Maybe the test using of the product from customers perspective is an obvious routine for product development. However, as the number of production increases, this unmeasurable effort becomes more significant. The efficient, on the edge glass is produced from the accumulation of these continuous practices. Their effort is a theorem that “Soen” too, as a product brand, must follow.