Katakuchi (片口) is an item that improves your sake experience. Instead of pouring sake directly from bottles, it gives a rich feeling as if drinking in a restaurant, or even enjoying sake’s change in temperature.
片口を使って、気分上々な日本酒タイムを /
Enjoying sake even more with a katakuchi

Drinking sake from a katakuchi little by little allows the sake’s temperature to rise, changing the impression on the flavour.
Available in two sizes of 1 gou (180ml) and 2 gou (360), allowing users to choose by preference of whether they want to drink alone or in a meal of more than two. It is also convenient when a set amount of drink is limited for the day, in order to prevent drinking too much.
風合いも質感も違う錫とガラス。おちょこと一緒に使いたい /
Tin or glass, two materials that each pairs up with the ochoko

錫素材はすぐに冷えるので、飲む前に冷蔵庫に入れておくとすぐ楽しめます。 錫の器は日本酒の味をまろやかにすると言われているので、常温のお酒にもおすすめです。 また錫は、錆びない、割れないことから縁起担ぎになり、結婚やお祝いの贈り物にもふさわしいとも。結婚10年目の「錫婚式」のプレゼントに、錫のおちょことセットでどうぞ。
We have made our katakuchi with two materials, tin and glass.
Tin conducts heat very well, allowing an instant cooling as it's put into a fridge which is useful when enjoying a nice chilled sake.
Tin is also said to bring good fortune because it does not rust or crack, making it an appropriate gift for weddings and celebrations. Especially for the 10th wedding anniversary which in Japan is considered as the “Tin anniversary”

ガラスの透明感が、より美しく引き立てる /
The transparency of the glass charms its beauty

一方のガラスは、透明感がなんとも涼しげ。中身が見えるから、日本酒はもちろん、赤ワインを入れて飲むのも素敵です。 色は無色透明のクリアーと、ブルーのグラデーションがきれいなインディゴの2つをご用意。 こちらもガラスのおちょことセットで贈り物に人気です。酒器なら、お酒の味の好みを知らずともプレゼントできるので、実はお酒好きにぴったりなギフトなのです。ちなみに、この片口を小さな花器として使う方もいます。剣山を入れてもよし、そのままも花を生けたり浮かべたりしても◎。くびれの形状がちょうど花の茎を支え、意外にもいい感じに収まるのです。遊び心いっぱいのアレンジをお楽しみいただけます
The glass on the other hand, has a cool impression with its high transparency, making its contents stand out. Available in two colours; clear and indigo with a fresh blue gradation, both of which are popular as a gift when paired up with our ochoko. Sake cups are, in fact, perfect gifts for sake lovers, as you can give them without knowing their taste preferences for sake. Incidentally, some of our customers use our katakuchi as a small flower vase. With its wide neck acting as a support for the stems, creating a flower arrangement or simply floating some flowers on water are perfect ways of enjoying our katakuchi even more.
使い勝手のいい、便利なアイテム /
An item with many easy uses

We cannot talk about a katakuchi without talking about its spout. With the spouts shaped one by one carefully by craftsmen, it enables sake to be poured in a beautiful manner. We also recommend using it as a carafe for wines, server for dressings and sauces, or even for side dishes.

日本の職人の技術が詰まったプロダクト /
Products Packed with the Skills of Japanese Craftsmen

Nosaku of Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture, was the first partner to endorse the So-en Project. Nosaku is a manufacturer that has been making Buddhist ritual utensils and tea ceremony utensils using tin since the Taisho era (1912-1926). In recent years, homeware such as choko (sake cups), plates, and interior decorations that take full potential of tin’s characteristics have become a hit. The company is also making efforts to open its factory to the public, offering visitors the opportunity to enjoy both manufacturing and sightseeing at the same time, including a plan that includes lodging as well as hands-on manufacturing experience.

Sghr / スガハラ
Sghr Sugahara Glassworks has a studio in Kujukuri, Chiba Prefecture, where dozens of craftsmen create glass products in front of a furnace that burns at 1,400℃. The Soen glass has a unique shape with two overlapping circles. Molten glass is placed in a mould and blown to create the neck of the glass. It is said to be difficult to draw the edges sharply while maintaining its durability, and this requires high craftsmanship.