タンブラー S
“Tumbler S” has a unique design that looks like a flipped kagamimochi.
Despite its compact look it can hold up to 240ml of liquid, just like an ordinary mug.
丸くてかわいい、持ちやすい。日常のグラスにおすすめ /
Easy to hold, round, cute. Recommended for daily use
We have come to this shape by trying to produce a tumbler using Soen’s symbolic two circles.
The first impression of its appearance may just be a cute round design. However it is not just for the look but is also practically relevant. It becomes obvious as soon as it's held in your hands, but the bloat becomes a perfect catch for fingers when holding.
Soen shares its design between four different materials. Tumbler S is made from four materials including glass, tin, china and Keyaki wood, each of them gives variety in the taste of identical drinks, making it taste completely different. Thus materials we use to drink has a substantial effect on the drinks impression.
素材によってお酒の楽しみが変わるかも? /
Variety of materials, variety of liquor experience
Its capacity is 240ml. It may look compact but surprisingly, holds about the same amount as a mug, making it the perfect size for drinking whisky or shochu on the rocks. The aroma of the liquor stays in the round area above the neck, allowing you to enjoy the aroma for a long time especially when drunk straight. Feel free to imagine how you would use it when choosing your favourite material
飲み物以外にも使いみちいろいろ /
Many uses apart from drinks
飲み物以外にもたくさんの使いみちがあります。 口が広いので、アイスをすくって入れたり、デザートのフルーツを分けたり、料理のソースを入れておくのにも向いています。
The Tumbler can also be used as a glass for any soft drinks, where it can fulfil any daily needs including fruit juices, iced coffee or even just some plain water to kick start the day, so we would be delighted if you could use it on a daily basis.
Apart from drinks, the glass has many other uses. Its wide mouth makes it ideal for serving a scoop of ice cream or cut fruits for desserts, or can even be used for holding sauces for cooking.
縁起のいいカタチは贈り物にもぴったり /
The auspicious shape that is perfect for a gift.
丸い鏡餅を逆さまにしたようなかわいい見た目。だるまにも似ています。この形状だと、「幸せ」「縁起がいい」とか、そういう感情を呼び起こすのではないかと想像します。 2個セットのギフトボックスもありますので、贈り物にもおすすめです。 同じカタチだから違う素材でもスタッキングして、場所を取らずにしまえるのもいいところ。家族それぞれで素材を使い分けたりと、素材の個性を楽しんでください。
Its cute, flipped kagamimochi like shape which somehow resembles a Daruma doll too, we imagine that with such an appearance it evokes the feelings of "happiness" or "good luck".
A gift box for a pair set is also available, which makes it perfect for a gift. Having the same shapes along the materials means allowing a compact storage when kept away stacked. Please enjoy the unique characteristics each material has, as you share them between the members of the family.
小さいけれど、日本の工芸職人の技が詰まっています /
Craftsmen who discern the peculiarities of materials and create shapes
NOUSAKU is a manufacturer that has been making tin Buddhist altar ware and tea ceremony utensils since the Taisho Era (1912-1926). Having fans globally, the brand's
popular products include malleable tableware and baskets which use the full potential of the soft, bendable characteristics of tin, as well as sake cups with a lovely cast texture. Tin is poured into moulds to create shapes, and even today, most processes are done by hand, with delicate techniques determining the finished product. The final polishing process is also substantial, in which craftsmen carefully finishes the pieces
to bring out a deep lustre that is slightly different from that of brass or stainless steel.
Sghr / スガハラ
1,400度もの高温の炉の中でガラスを溶かしカタチを造っていくSghr スガハラの職人たち。吹き込み方やガラスの状態、気温や湿度を見極めて微調整していく様子はまさに職人技です。
Sghr/Sugahara craftsmen melt glass in a furnace at 1,400℃ to create shapes. The fine adjustment of the blowing method, the condition of the glass, and the temperature and humidity is truly the work of craftsmen. The mouth rim is made thin so that the beverage can be directly felt, but it is also appropriately thick so that it is not too delicate. This balance is also a difficult one to achieve.
NAGAE / ナガエ
NAGAE is a producer of Seto-yaki pottery in Aichi Prefecture, Japan, and is in charge of the division of labour in the pottery industry, including mould making, fabric making, kiln, polishing, and transferring. The company started as a mould maker and then as a wholesaler in the production area, but now it has gone beyond that and is involved in product development with overseas luxury brands, manufacturing and sales of its own brand products, and is a company that communicates the quality of Seto ware in various ways. Soen porcelain is also a product manufactured under strict global standards.
OSHIMA / 漆工房大島
Lacquer Studio Oshima is a producer of Yamanaka lacquerware in Ishikawa Prefecture. The company organises each step of the lacquerware production process and teams up
with various designers to pursue new possibilities for lacquerware while inheriting the tradition. Since lacquer was first applied to wood to increase its durability, it is a material that should be enjoyed in everyday use.