同じお酒を酌み交わす人をつなぎ、同じひとときを共に過ごすのに欠かせないアイテムです。ワインクーラーのある空間では、いつも笑顔が生まれ、会話が広がり、ご縁がつながります。双円が提案するワインクーラーは、テーブルウエアの中でもひと際ユニークな存在感を放ち、 食卓にいっそう大きな笑顔を届けます。
Wine coolers are a must for sharing drinks with others to enjoy the time together.
We feel that whenever there's a wine cooler, smiles and chatters are also present, creating connections.
Soen offers a wine cooler that will definitely bring even bigger smiles with its unique, iconic appearance.
このカタチだから適温に保てる。ワイン通にすすめたいステンレスクーラー /
Thermally practical design, that is recommended for wine lovers

It can be a bit of a hustle when you have to make a trip to your fridge each time you want to pour cold wine you have been chilling in the fridge. Having a wine cooler that is suitable for keeping on the table enables you to keep wine chilled to your desired temperature.
Wine cooler from Soen has many advantages from an ordinary cooler.
ワインクーラーで、ワインのおいしさを保つ /
Keeping at precisely delicious temperature

・Wines at a low temperature : fresh, sharp, astringent, acidic
・Wines at a high temperature : soft, rich, and mellow.
Furthermore, below are each appropriate temperatures according to wine’s types.
・Red wines : light-bodied: 12-14°C, full-bodied: 16-18°C
・White wines : 5-8°C for sweet wines, 7-14°C for dry wines
・Rosé wines : 7-14°C
・Orange wines : 10-12°C for light-bodied wines, 12-16°C for full-bodied wines
・Sparkling wine : 5-8 °C
These are the approximate recommended temperatures. It can be said that a wine cooler is a tool to keep wine at the above temperatures as much as possible so that it can be drunk with pleasure.

飲み物以外にも使いみちいろいろ /
Auspicious shape, recommended as a gift

Wine coolers come in several types, each having their pros and cons.
A coolant type’s advantages are inexpensive and take up little space. Its disadvantages are that the cooler needs to be refrigerated for each use; and they can be casual looking.
A bucket like wine coolers’ advantages are; that they can cool wines instantly with ice cold water. However it can take a lot of space on the dining table which can be a disadvantage, along with the label getting soaking wet.
カタチの特徴が、機能の特徴にもなっている /
Its design serves as its unique function

The double-walled design has a two layered structure with a hollow interior. Due to this the temperature outside the cooler is insulated, enabling the wine inside to be kept at its best temperature for a longer period of time. Soen’s wine cooler has the overlapping double circle design which has more space for insulation. Therefore it allows the wine to be kept chilled even longer than other wine coolers, making it suitable for a longer period of use. Another advantage is that it is resistant to condensation, which can potentially lead to rusting. Its design is both functional and stylish. A little more advantage is that using a coolant instead of water and ice, you will not have to worry about getting the label from your favourite wine getting soaking. Of course, you can use it with water and ice too.

2時間経っても、白ワインの飲み頃温度をキープ /
Keeping a suitable temperature for two hours
We carried out an experiment on how well our wine cooler keeps wine chilled. It turns out that our cooler kept a low temperature for a longer period of time compared to coolers from other companies.
Even after two hours our cooler was able to maintain a temperature 3.8 °C lower than the stainless steel single-layer wine cooler from other companies. In essence, it can keep white wine at its optimum temperature for an extra hour. To keep chilled wines cool, place the included refrigerant at the bottom of the wine cooler before placing the wine bottle in the cooler. For even quicker chilling, fill the cooler halfway with ice cold water, then place the wine and it should reach the desired temperature in no time.
楽しみかたも、いろいろ /
Other ways to enjoy

The diameter of the cooler is made so that even other liquors or soft drinks with similar shape to wine bottles can fit. Especially suitable for sake which is even better when chilled.
It can also be used as a vase for flower arrangements. With the size of the cooler, it can hold even large branches, allowing a firm base for creating any pieces you desire.

作ったのは、金属加工のスペシャリスト集団 /
Created by a group of metalworking specialists

Demold / 富士工業
制作するのは、佐藤栄作氏をはじめとするオーダーメイドの金属加工を手がけるスペシャリスト集団、Demold(ディモールド)です。少数精鋭のチームで、レンジフードの製造で培った技術をまったく異なるジャンルで活かし、金属の持つ可能性を日々探求しています。たとえば、パリに本店を構えるチョコレートショップ「ジャン-シャルル ロシュー」、JR熊本駅肥後よかもん市場の壁面、世界的にその名を轟かせるライゾマティクスらと共に手掛けた共感覚体験装置である椅子の筐体制作などレンジフードとは異業種、異ジャンルで、これまでに金属で作ったことのないプロダクトばかり制作してきました。そんな彼らと双円とのコラボレーションによって生まれたのが、ステンレスの二重構造ワインクーラーです。ステンレスのシルバーを生かした質感、ツルッとした磁器のような質感、硯のようなマット質感など、さまざまな仕上げでステンレスの魅力を引き出しています。インテリアや食卓、他の食器と合わせてお選びください。
The production was done by Demold, a group of specialists in custom-made metalworking led by Eisaku Sato. The small, elite team is constantly exploring the possibilities of metal, utilising the technology cultivated in the manufacture of range hoods, in a completely different genre. For example, the "Jean-Charles Rochoux" chocolate store in Paris, the wall of the Higo Yokamon Ichiba at JR Kumamoto Station, and the chair enclosure for the synaesthesia experience device that they created with the world-renowned Rhizomatiks, all of which are in different industries and genres from the range hood, and have never been made from metal.
The collaboration with such a skilled manufacturer has led us to the creation of this iconic double layered stainless wine cooler. Bringing the potential of the stainless steel, they have managed to produce a wide range of finishes including a shiny porcelain like finish, a deep matte black and of course the pure steel, allowing customers to choose according to their preferences.